Minggu, 10 Juli 2011

Learning from Punokawan

In the world of puppetry terms sedulur papat five pancer a symbol of four knights and servants. Sedulur papat is Punokawan, five pancer is Ksatriya.
In this case, called the Semar as pamomong Punokawan Saptaarga descent accompanied by her three children, namely; Gareng, Petruk and Bagong as accompanist Pandava warriors. Their presence is often only considered as additional and less calculated to deliver a joke, but often determines the direction of change.
The fifth character is occupying an important position in the wayang story. The story begins They start from a monastery or hermitage Saptaarga other. After obtaining a wide range of knowledge and advice from the Begawan, they go down the mountain to the practice of science that has been obtained, by doing penance ngrame. In the journey, the journey must accompany Punokawan Knights in entering the "forest", entered the field life of a field that has never known, dark, full of shrubs, many wild animals, confronting the evil creatures that are ready, even if the guard can be life-threatening, thus successfully out "forest" in peace, until the Knights can get rid of all obstacles and successfully completed his task safely.
Semar is a divine picture of the organization involved in human life proceeds. To further clarify the role of Semar, the figure of Semar is equipped with three other figures. Into four Punokawan is a symbol of creativity, taste, intention and work.
Semar has a prominent characteristic is a white crest. White tuft on the head as a symbol of the mind, a clear idea or copyright.
Gareng have prominent features that squint-eyed, handed throbbing pain and a limp-legged. Into three physical disability that symbolize taste. Squint eye, is a sense of alertness, hand throbbing pain is a sense of thoroughness and legs limp is a sense of prudence.
Petruk is a symbol of the will, desire, intention described in his hands. If it is moved, both hands are like two people who work well together. Hand pointing forward, choose what you want, hands clutched behind what has been selected.
Cumbersome with two hands of the fifth finger wide open, meaning is always willing to work hard.
Creativity, sense, initiative and the work is a unity that can not be separated. Creativity, sense, initiative and work in a region called personal or human identity, symbolized by figures Knights. Picture of the ideal man is a picture of the whole human person, where copyrighted, feeling, willing and able to occupy the work of their respective functions harmoniously, to then go hand in hand towards a noble ideals. Thus it becomes clear that between the Knights and Punokawan significant relationship. Knight figures will be successful in life and achieve the ideals if based on a clear mind (creativity), sincere heart (feeling), the will, determination (intention) and willing to work hard (work).
Symbolization knights and four servants, similar to 'ngelmu' sedulur papat five pancer. Sedulur papat is Punokawan, five pancer is Ksatriya. Pancer position at the center, flanked by two older brothers (Kakang mbarep, Kakang crater) and two younger brothers (adi adi ari-ari and wuragil). Ngelmu sedulur papat five pancer stems from the realization of the beginning man was created and the ultimate goal of human life (Sangkan Paraning dumadi).
Beginning man was created starting from the moment of the birth. Before the baby (baby, in this context is pancer) was born from the womb of the mother, who appears first is the anxiety of the mother. Anxiety was called Kakang mbarep. Then on the eve of the baby was born, out of clear liquid or banyu crater as a lubricant, to protect the baby, so that the birth process smooth and baby soft skin no abrasions or injured. Banyu crater called Kakang crater. After the baby is born will be followed by the release of the placenta and blood. Adi called placenta and umbilical cord blood is called Adi wuragil.
Ngelmu sedulur papat five pancer stress that, human beings are born into this world is not alone. There are four brothers who accompanied. Pancer is true and sedulur suksma papat is a true sport. United suksma true and genuine birth of a living body.
The relationship between pancer and sedulur papat in life, portrayed with a coachman in control of a carriage, drawn by four horses, red, black, yellow and white. Sais train symbolizes the freedom to decide and do something. Red horse symbolizes energy, excitement, a black horse symbolizes the biological needs, yellow horse symbolizing the spiritual needs and the white horse symbolizes silence, chastity. As a coachman, of course not easy to control the four horses which vary in nature and each other needs. If the coachman able to control and cooperate with the ponytail into four well-balanced, then the train will run smoothly to the final destination "The Sangkan Paraning dumadi"

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