Minggu, 10 Juli 2011

Acts of War ... In the month of Shawwal Ahzab

Shawwal Moon blessing of this noble let along appreciate sirah Ahzab the Prophet Muhammad in battle.
On 7 Shawwal 5 AH Ahzab War witnessed the event effective immediately upon sorrow befall the Muslims, due to miscarriage crowded the martyrs in the battle of Uhud.

War is war Khandak Ahzab or the 10,000 people who gathered around the land army of Arab idolaters to fight against Medina. That amount is more than the population numbers madina including children, women and elderly groups.

If knowing the circumstances sallallahu been bermesyuarat and has taken the idea of ​​pithy than Salman Al-Farisi to dig trenches in the northern portion of Medina. Another portion around Medina is surrounded by mountains and gardens of palm-complicate the idolaters entering the city of Medina.

After excavation is complete then as dijangka a large ketumbukan polytheists of Quraysh to join the families of the idolaters around Mecca appeared in front of the trench.

Here can be summarized bahawa attempt by people to cross the trench Mushrikeen unsuccessfully. War is limited only by releasing the arrow. Even so there were six people from the Muslims and 10 people from the idolaters who were killed.

Bani Quraizah break a promise

In a tense situation, the Bani Quraizah namely the Jews living in Medina had been instigated by Huyai bin Akhtab to fight a residential area in Medina that was inhabited by women and small children. They have broken their promise to the Prophet by making the decision.

Some Jews see cuba infiltrate to attack from behind. However with the heroism shown by Safia bint Abdul Muttalib, his triumphant kill them and Bani Quraizah who see from afar menjangka he also has put the defense from behind the soldiers. Circumstances be saved immediately.

In such circumstances cause them to only provide food to the armies of Quraysh.

Upon hearing the news that the Prophet has catapulted merungsingkan representatives to seek the truth about the incident. If it turns out the validity of the news of this news spread in the army guarding the front row. Then sebahagian than the army asked permission to go home to maintain the children and their wives at home.

Help from God

"Allah akbar people rejoice in victory and help Muslims instead of Allah." King after a quiet word at once.

Messenger design to deliver a few troops to keep in the back row and lead some troops for the army kacirkan mengucar-Pagans in the front row.

But the draft is not accepted by some of the Prophet Companions of the Prophet to tell the design was his opinion and not a revelation than God.

Then Allah has made the decision at once insulting and splitting up the enemy by bringing Nua'im bin Mas'ud. He was an influential within the ranks of Banu Quraysh Quraizah and idolaters. He declared his Islam in front of Allah and willing to help for the splitting up the army idolaters.

After the Prophet gave way and they are splitting up strategies to Nua'im then he has melaga-Quraizah lagakan between Bani and Bani Quraysh.

After learning bahawa their ranks have been broken to pieces, they have lost the spirit to fight perceived that applies khuatir sesame own war and no unity between them.

At the same time of the Prophet and his companions prayed to God with great sincerity that the enemy is defeated.

Finally, Allah sent down the angels who come in the form of hurricane-khemah pull out all the enemy memporak khemah-perandakan their movements. God also sends an angel who slipped fear in the enemy.

Messenger leads representatives to see the state of the enemy and it turns out there is none among those living in but all of which have fled to Mecca.



This war has started on the 5th of Shawwal and has been for a month.

Ahzab wars are not wars that led to losses and gains, but he was a war of nerves alone. There is no great battle between the two sides.

But in the annals of Islam is a very tense battle, which ended in defeat at the polytheists. This battle is for any hint bahawa ketenteraan forces that exist in Arab countries can not afford to melawab small force that was blooming in the earth Medina.

Due to this he said: "Now we who will attack them and they will not attack us. We are the ones who will come to them. "


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